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- Constructing an Irish TIMES model under the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Climate Change Research Programme 2007 – 2013.
The project carried out by UCC’s Sustainable Energy Research Group provides a range of energy system configurations for Ireland starting from the PET-IE model that delivers projected energy demand requirements optimized to least cost and subject to a range of policy constraints for the period out to 2050.
- TIMES-Based modeling platform. Joint Research Center- Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS). 2011. Special focus on enabling sharing the model with other JRCs and making the model coherent with other models at IPTS, like POLES.
- World Energy System Model for EFDA (European Fusion Development Agreement), construction of a long-term energy model based on TIMES, for the SERF unit (Socio Economic Research in Fusion), Garching, Germany. 2004.
- Construction of the SAGE model for the USDOE-EIA, as a collaboration of HALOA, EIA and KanORS Inc. SAGE is a simulation variant of the MARKAL model, with a multi-regional, global scope meant to be used by EIA for producing the annual International Energy Outlook. 2001-2007.
- Construction of a MARKAL model for India. Research project sponsored by the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute and CIDA, from 1994 to 1996. The work team included Richard Loulou, Amit Kanudia, and P.R. Shukla, a researcher from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. The India MARKAL model is currently maintained and used by the Indian partner to provide policy analysis for the Indian Government and the Indian Planning Commission.